Mini Sticker Factory, Why Not?

In your opinion, a sticker factory must be a business that carries out its activities in a sustainable manner to produce stickers. Here I am not discussing large-scale companies, but cottage industries.

What I write here is a personal experience. I once controlled the mini-cutting sticker market in Indonesia. My cutting machine almost never stops because it works on designs that must always be up to date.

In developed countries, maybe this article is not suitable because the sticker industry is already very great. But for developing countries or below, I believe what I've done can be an inspiration.

Pabrik Stiker Mini, Mengapa Tidak 1

About 10 years ago, sticker cutting was common in big cities. The makers are also still located in big cities. It's still rare for people living in small towns to think about opening a sticker factory to the best of their ability.

I'm sure, when I heard the term sticker factory, I imagined a big building. It contains sticker machines with dozens or even tens of workers. The resulting product will be very much.

Mini Sticker Factory

I have two big machines and a small one. Large machines measuring 80 centimeters and 60 centimeters. While the small one only has a cut area of ​​20 centimeters.

My big machine brand is also not an expensive tool, both are Chinese brands. Namely Liyu and Teneth. Just a small machine that I accidentally bought the CraftRobo brand, made in America (if I'm not mistaken). Why do I combine large and small machines?

Since my focus is on cutting mini stickers, I will definitely cut sticker material for small letters or patterns. For this task, I leave it to a small machine that is able to cut to small sizes perfectly.

While I use two large machines to cut larger patterns. Previously, I would like to explain if the sizes of my mini-cutting stickers range from 10 x 1.5 centimeters, 5 x 5 centimeters, 8 x 2 centimeters, and so on.

How a Home Sticker Factory Works

Pabrik Stiker Mini, Mengapa Tidak 2

The following is the way I did to dominate the mini-cutting sticker market at that time. You can imitate it if it suits the existing conditions.

1. One Sticker Many Colors

If you have one mini sticker design, don't just make it in one color. Based on experience, mini stickers with white, black, red, yellow colors are more preferred by buyers.

Thus, when you cut 1000 sheets of white, cut the other colors the same amount. As soon as one meter of material is finished, enter another color material and then just give the OK command, then the machine will work on its own.

2. Hire Others

If you think you can handle a sticker factory on your own, I think it's impossible. That's why I employ a number of housewives. Their job is to peel away the unused sticker material.

Pay them based on the size of the material. It is usually easier to use per meter measures. Please calculate it yourself at your place, approximately how much the appropriate wage.

3. Mini Sticker Deposit

Pabrik Stiker Mini, Mengapa Tidak 3

I will only accept deposits from housewives for ready-made mini stickers. That means I just mask and cut it. What must be observed is that not all mini-cutting stickers that I make are only one color.

There are two or three colors. For stickers that are more than one color, I give a higher payment than one color. Before you mask and cut, check once again in front of the mothers earlier.

The point is, if the damage is too much, the wages must be reduced. But it's natural that in one meter of material with a total of 50 stickers only one or two pieces are damaged, leave it alone.

4. Create Package Prices

For the sale, you must define the package. For example, a minimum purchase of several thousand mini stickers with a number of designs. Per design for example 100 sheets, divided into 20 white sheets, 20 red sheets, 20 black sheets, 20 yellow sheets, and 20 other colors.

Your market share is sticker sellers too, not retail buyers. If you also have a sticker cutting shop, you can also put it in a display case. Not bad if someone buys each piece, for example, your sticker customer or a resident who happens to pass by.

Hopefully, this article about the mini sticker factory is useful. ***

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